

nbmh 06-01 1
名侦探柯南18漫画百度云全话直接阅读摘要: Chapter1:TheMysteriousCaseItwasasunnydayinTokyowhenConanandhisfriendsstumbleduponastra nge...

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Case

It was a sunny day in Tokyo when Conan and his friends stumbled upon a strange case. A wealthy businessman had been found dead in his office, and there was no apparent cause of death. The police had no leads, and the victim's family was in shock. Conan knew he had to solve the case.

After examining the body and the crime scene, Conan noticed a small detail that no one else had noticed. There was a faint smell of almonds in the air. He knew that this could be a clue to the cause of death. He immediately set out to investigate the victim's last known whereabouts and any possible suspects.


Chapter 2: The Suspects

Conan discovered that the victim had been in a heated argument with his business partner the night before his death. The partner had a clear motive for murder, but he had an alibi for the time of the crime. Conan also looked into the victim's personal life and found out that he had been having an affair with his secretary. She also had a motive for murder, but she too had an alibi.


Conan was at a dead end until he stumbled upon a clue that led him to a third suspect. The victim's former business partner, who had been ousted from the company, had recently returned to Tokyo and was seen near the victim's office around the time of the murder. Conan knew he had to track down this suspect and gather more evidence.

Chapter 3: The Solution


Conan followed the third suspect and discovered that he had been meeting with the victim's wife. They had been plotting to kill the victim and split his fortune. The wife had poisoned her husband's favorite snack, almond cookies, with cyanide. The third suspect had provided the poison and helped plan the murder.

Conan immediately called the police and had the two suspects arrested. He presented his evidence and explained how he had solved the case. The police were amazed by Conan's deductive skills and thanked him for his help.

The victim's family was relieved to finally have closure, and Conan's friends were in awe of his detective abilities. Conan knew that there would always be more cases to solve, but for now, he was content with a job well done.
